8 Tenets of The Interesting Woman


The REVUE woman exudes and exemplifies the following tenants of depth, creativity, sophistication, and audacity.

The REVUE woman…

  1. Has the audacity to be herself at all times, in all conditions, within all circumstances.
  2. Aligns her actions, thoughts, and daydreams with the most elevated vision for her life.
  3. Understands the deep importance of being multi-faceted and is therefore always in pursuit of becoming a more interesting woman.
  4. Is always in the presence of beauty – in, on, and around her.
  5. Always chooses her inner intuition over outer feedback; fostering, preserving, and growing the uniqueness of her magnetic blueprint.
  6. Chooses quality, artistry, creativity, self-expression, and sophistication in all that she does.
  7. Claims responsibility over her life in the face of growth, challenges, or discomfort; understanding that the way she dances with life is the way life dances with her.
  8. Trusts, surrenders, and allows the current of life to carry her to the most elevated version of herself.


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