For the fathers in our lives: the ones who parented us and the ones who parent our little ones.
There are two most formative fatherly relationships. Our direct fathers and watching our significant others become fathers. Little needs to occur for our heart to swell. All you have to do is watch a father being intentional, loving, and in love with their children.
When it comes to Father’s Day, we know that a gift (in addition to a piece of doodled art from our children) is an opportunity to shower them in luxury and showcase him as the elevated and aspirational man he is – the deeply sensitive, strong, and foundational father that he is. Whether you gift him a classic pair of sunglasses or get cheeky with a luxury wallet, wherever you go and however you celebrate this Father’s Day, he will know he is appreciated.
Here are our top Father’s Day gifts for the REVUE dad in your life.
***All photos are directly from the brand’s website or Instagram.
How to Be an Interesting Woman by: REVUE The interesting woman has high standards for her life – for the quality of food she eats, the level of content she consumes, the individuals she maintains relationships with, the clothing that she purchases, the things she chooses to speak out loud. At the core of her […]